How I made 0.04$ last month on Medium

3 min readFeb 7, 2022

You can do this! Just follow your path.

Two things at the start. Yes, I made only 0.04$ on Medium last month but I also don’t mind.

The question is why am I’m writing on Medium if I don’t make 10.000$ a month as other writers on here. The reason is simple, I enjoy it. I was not a good writer in school, and English is not my native language. But I love it — I feel inspired reading all these nice articles on this platform and I just want to be a part of it. I just want to create more and share my ideas.

Everybody of us has a voice. Everybody of us has ideas that are shareable, that will help other people or inspire them. So don’t overthink everything — Just start it & learn during the process.

You should not start something creative because of the money. You should start it because you enjoy it, it should give you more energy and makes you happy. It’s a craft and if you really want to change a hobby into a business you need to do everything you can to make this path in your mind the reality. However, your main reason should be that this creative path is fun and fulfilling for you. You will regret it if you do things just for the sake of money.

My motivation to write on Medium

I want to be honest with you. Being a writer is not my dream career but I enjoy writing down thoughts. From a consumer point of view — I feel inspired reading articles, watching YouTube videos, and seeing what people do to be more productive & find their path in life. I enjoy seeing the progress and am fascinated and happy when they achieve their goals.

My main goal of writing is learning. I want to improve and be a better person than yesterday. I am not good at English but I am also not horrible. Writing helps me to improve my English skills and extend my vocabulary.

I think doing something has a much bigger impact than only reading/watching how to do it. You need to experience the process. You need to try it & learn from your mistakes. Every article you write is a step forward. Every sentence you write is a step forward. You don’t need to post everything only but you need to — be consistent. Learn & grow during the process. This is the motive I follow.

Just do it!

So now it’s your turn.

Just start. Don’t overthink it. You will not be on the same level as your role models. But how should this be possible?

People that inspire you are normally a few steps ahead of your current state. So don’t compare your current state with their current situation. You are at the beginning of a trail & it needs time to achieve your destination or the intermediate stage. Just go forward step by step and you will get closer — but never standstill.

Credits to me.

If you read this… thank you very much for your time! I know it is not certain that someone reads a whole article to the end but this shows that you are generally interested. Not in my story, but you are interested to follow your own path and making your dreams a reality. So as I said just start, learn during the process, and be consistent. You can not expect everything to come after the first time, everything takes time but you got this!




I write about self-development and things that helped me to live a healthier and more positive life.